Hope for Children International (HCI) is a non-profit organization established in August 2007 and relies heavily on the good will of volunteers and generous donations as well as
fundraising efforts.
This organization is ultimately all about serving the underprivileged, abused and mistreated children who have undergone extreme hardships and lack the proper support and
services. They have nowhere to turn, no roof over their heads, and so HCI makes it our mission to step in and provide that shoulder to lean on and that roof to protect them. In order to do so, HCI
relies on volunteers who can travel to these countries and work with these children and families face to face.
Learn more about Our Volunteers or Sign Up to help out!
Several years ago, our CEO and President Blessing Rogers decided to create Hope for Children International to give local citizens the opportunity to help those in need. Helping the
community soon grew to become a permanent part of the lives of our members, and today our team continues to raise money and organize events to help children in Africa gain the opportunity to live
healthy, fulfilling lives.
The primary goals of Hope for
Children are to empower and support children both locally and internationally who are undergoing hardships such as abuse or homelessness and to restore dignity and respect to these children through
Locally, Hope for Children provides youth access to a wide range of community service activities where they learn valuable professional and
social skills and integrate themselves more closely into the community. HCI also offers references to various local social services as well as caring staff who serve as mentors, providing guidance
and support to the children they serve.
Internationally, Hope for Children International seeks to decrease the number of children in the streets with no home or shelter by maintaining a
high standard of agency and care through the provision of various social services. HCI reaches out to children in impoverished countries, rescuing those who are victims of homelessness, child
trafficking, slavery, or abuse. HCI rescues these children by providing a program that offers referral services to shelters or adoption to stable, loving families. HCI then works to ensure a
successful transition to their new homes.
Feel free to
learn more about our current local and international programs in Our Projects.